
If we have to make any changes to the published programme,
they will appear here and on the “News” page.
If you know any members who don’t use the internet please keep them up to date.

We look forward to seeing you in the 2024-2025 season and remember,
new members are always welcome so please encourage your friends to join us.

The Programme for the 2024-2025 season is still being finalised, and it is now a rolling calendar with destinations filled in nearer the date, so it is essential that members check the website before a walk. It can be viewed/downloaded here and has space for you to write in future destinations as they are available and published on the Saturday walks section of the Programme page. This will be kept up to date, and changes/updates will be published on the News page. Please check this nearer a walk date for any last minute changes.

There are links to the individual activities below, which will be updated whenever something changes, and highlighted in red. Although there has been another increase in coach prices, we have decided to keep the price of membership (due in March) at £10 for the coming season (March 2024 – February 2025). For more information please see one of our Treasurers, Chris Butler or Diane Whitworth.
We run different events throughout the year with Saturday Walks, Mid-week Outings and Presentations.
Saturday Walks: All Year
Mid-week Outings: May to September
Presentations: September to March (£2.50 includes coffee/tea and biscuits)

We also have a Jacob’s Join meeting on Wednesday 11th of December 2024 which is free, with members bringing food and a raffle prize, and our AGM on Wednesday the 12th of February 2025. These will both be held at the Forest Gate Baptist Church, and information about the venue can be seen here.

Our successful Buffet Lecture followed by a hot-pot supper is held at Blackpool Cricket Club, West Park Drive, Blackpool, FY3 9EQ. Tickets (£7) need to be bought in advance, and this season’s date is Friday the 17th of May, 7:15 for 7:30pm (click here for a map).

Please send comments or suggestions to the webmaster